Vulnerability / by Julie Pollet

Hello Sunshines,

As I develop in age, I feel more confident about the path I wish to take. A path of creativity, happiness, connections. 

I have been absorbing so much content over the years around these and the human mind. Psychology, neurology, creative practices, dance, meditation, procrastination, goal setting, sustainable living, communities, to name a few. It fuels me and I believe each of you can benefit from these. 

Today, I’ll share about vulnerability, as sharing and writing isn’t something that comes easily to me. Perfectionists have a tendency to start tasks and let these slip, or at least I do. I delay kicking things off due to not feeling confident enough to deliver the perfect workshop, having the right voice projection, potentially deceiving people in delivery, but these are all barriers created my myself. 

Getting out there and sharing your knowledge is a duty some say. As for the delivery it will improve overtime. 

Some of the most amazing people out there, pursuing their dreams, have learned to live with being mediocre all the time:  whatever goal you set for yourself is achievable through small steps, and each of these steps may well require new skill sets ; so you are continuously improving and developing. Not letting these barriers stop you is primordial in developing.

I have increased the workshops i am undertaking for two reasons: learn from others and bless myself with leisure. Who doesn’t like dancing like no one is watching, sitting in circle over a cacao ceremony, feeling connected with others and within yourself, learning new things that are pleasurable or interesting to you.  For quite sometime now I believe my next path is to share my intuitive painting practice but feel terrified about the logistics of just doing it. The excuses and self doubts go from not having the space I envisioned, my shyness of public speaking, being self-thought and thinking everyone can just do it by themselves, some attempts that didn’t go to my envisioned plan (not even shared with the group prior), being unfamiliar with processes, feeling i can always do better and then I will be ready.

I am never going to be ready.  When I attend workshops I appreciate the human connection with that person, hearing them share their knowledge and somehow values. So why can’t I do the same ? The thing is I can. I now can as I have been planning towards expending my skills for some time, and while I keep wanting more I am in a position to give. 

Leaving space for errors will guide me to always be a better self.  You just have to turn up and let your learnings guide you. Make peace with any doubts, resentments, deceptions.

In my painting process I just turn up and let my curiosity and playfulness guide me.  For those of you wanting to create but feel vulnerable, know that there is not such a thing as screwing this up. The process is the benefit of intuitive art creation, whatever the final outcome. 

Brene Brown has spent decades studying the topics of courage, vulnerability, shame, and empathy and has meaningful and encouraging messages: 

Vulnerability is about courage ; the willingness to show up and to be seen even if there are no guarantees.

Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity and change. 

Loving ourselves through the process of owning our story is the bravest thing we will ever do.