Mechanism of the Heart
Dream wonders
Be what you want
Glorious Nonsense
The Journey
Cultivation of Inside
What's your quirk ?
Mechanism of the Heart
Mechanism of the Heart

Acrylic & Ink I 40x40cm I 2019

Our heart is vital, keeping us alive and offering us a rollercoaster of emotions, passion, contradictions, anxiety, fear, illuminations. Check out the emotion wheel by Dr. Robert Plutchik and embrace our complexity.

Dream wonders
Dream wonders

Acrylic & Ink I 40x30cm I 2019

Something made out of dreams, a kid’s mind. I see a dog type figure, you may see a crocodile, and I’ll let you explore further.

Be what you want
Be what you want

on Panel I Acrylic & Glitter I 28x36cm I 2017

Do you want to be a unicorn? All I want is to see the world in a colorful light and spread happiness.

Glorious Nonsense
Glorious Nonsense

Acrylic, Ink and golden leaves I 40x40cm I 2019

I wanted to explore the usage of golden leaves. It’s sometimes as simple as that! To me it looks like a funny face, a stick, intersections, but just see it as a moment of curiosity and fun.


Acrylic I 60x81cm I 2019

This color combination really works for me. I find it utterly cozy despite majority being cool colors (purple, green, blue). The 3 dots, representing continuity and my grounds lead towards a tornedo like enlightment.


Acrylic I 2020

A bubble. Each of us live in our own bubble, living in Singapore doubles that bubble.

The Journey
The Journey

Acrylic & Ink I 2020

This goes a little in hand with the rainbow man painting, the happy little being going through its journey with a positive mind/view. I used a lot of texture and will likely rework it for more contrast and ease on the eyes.

Cultivation of Inside
Cultivation of Inside

Acrylic I 76x102cm I 2019

I started painting this in January, when a friend went through a hard time. I really am not much of a drawer, but hope you can identify this as a temple, a safe space, a spot of hope, light. Each moment of work through these months brought my intentions toward his well being and I am pleased to share he is doing well.

What's your quirk ?
What's your quirk ?

Reworked I Acrylic I 45x45cm I 2019

Letting shapes cover the canvas naturally results in things, such as this quirky bird.


Acrylic I 31x92 cm I 2016

Embrac/se the beautiful mess that you are. It started with a background, and something was missing so I searched for inspiration and combined 2 quotes that made me smile and agree. I inattentively got the first word misspelled, double effect.


Reworked - Acrylic I 76x76cm I 2019

It’s dark and still bright, but I reworked it to get that energy of overload away. I see a human/robot inclined getting filled with insights and throwing them up after circles of indigestion..