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Hello Sunshine,

I am delighted to have you here, discovering my little world.

My creations come from curiosity of playing with colors, shapes and textures. I love the impact of colors on mood, and experimenting by using different tools.

I want to brighten up people’s days, and make your mind wander through the little details.

Our days can be repetitive, life has ups and downs, nothing is constant and nothing is simultaneously utterly perfect in all aspects (health, relationships, work, etc) but the power of making yourself happy is within each of us. Only you can make yourself feel truly serene and I want my paintings to encourage you to play more, daydream more.

Growth, Freedom and Happiness

- -A little bit about my way of going on about painting-

I just go, put a first mark without thinking too much about it. Select a tool, a color, explore again and again. Maybe put some music on and have a little dance here and there, find a flow that makes you happy and free in movement, apply that line or circle that comes naturally.

More and more am I interested in layers and this is because it creates unique forms and shapes, which i love discovering :) ‘What is this, oh a kind of little creature that does blah blah, and then my eyes pursue the story of the canvas. I add further layers all the time adding one small touch at the time.’ Let me tell you, it feels good to be wondering and questioning what is going on without judgement, just continue. and yes, there will be very awkward phases going on and on, but consider these as the awkward teenage years (this too shall pass).

In my creations, I do find some reoccurrences in colors choices, level of detail, and in my earlier paintings you will often see 3 dots. Well! Number 3 makes me feel grounded: it reminds me of my family, being the middle kid, born exactly 3 years apart from my brother on the 3rd day, my date of birth leads to 3 etc and I am appealed by its sense of continuity (…)

My favorite colors would be Turquoise, Yellow (I sometimes randomly carry a lemon around, It looks healthy and makes me happy), Purple, Dark reds and Greens. I also often find the story of life on my pieces: starting, developing, exploring, exploding of fun/overload/ a moment in time and closing the circle of life.

Some of my favorite tools are toothpick, shower sponge, silicone tools, brushes (hair or end of handle), i love ink and how it simply goes its own way, add paste, try a hair comb, plastic, fingers, toothbrush, balloons, aluminum, modelling paste, spray water on it, anything really, and Turn it!

Turn your canvas around, see what’s appealing to you from each angle. If you don’t like something, cover it up without overthinking, let the process be. It may take months, but it’s about the joy of the process.

We’re all on this planet for a short amount of time, but the universe is filled with endless kind souls, sources of energies, magic and wonder. Let’s be respectful of what has been given to us, life simply, avoid falling into consumerism, be kind to nature, curious towards others, and playful always.

Thank you for visiting and if you want to get in touch to share your thoughts or request about a painting, please do so. As an FYI, I am currently based in Singapore and skipping real canvases aboard is rather a big cost, but it can be done..

Wishing you a wonderful adventure,



If you want to know a little bit more still:

I am born in Ghent, Belgium where I lived 6 years before moving to France for 14 years, then the UK for 10 years, and recently left Singapore after 9 years. I am now broawsing Europe to find my next cocoon. All in all I have created 16 cozy places ; Home is wherever I sleep at night.

While I’ve always be creative, everything displayed here is from 2016 on.

I lived alone for 2 years (18-on) after which house-shares have been my preferred choice. It has more space, character(s) and stories. The most interesting one was a communal house with an elder lady in London who had Alzheimer. I stayed 4 years, with other young people, and among many beautiful and difficult moments, she definitely thought me patience. I also lived in a converted warehouse and loved the feeling of community with movie nights in the parking, amazing parties and activities.

In 2012 I traveled solo in South East Asia to satisfy my curiosity for other cultures. Someone changed my life’s perception calling me “peaceful”. Prior to that my mind classified myself as quiet, probably boring to others, that was a very simple word that clicked something in me. I loved the Philippines, it’s authenticity, beautiful rivers and mountains and beaches, joyful people. I found a sense of goal achievement once being the only tourist/visitor in real remote villages and interacting with people ‘working to eat each day’, having sacred bonds with each other, curiosity and offering friendship to strangers. It captured this feeling of pure beauty, simple amazement and sense of freedom. I captured this experience with a tattoo which I’d thought about for 10 years, a little spiral and sunshine (everyday is the same and you need to make yourself happy). Little did I expect having the honor of Whang Od stamping my skin. She is known as the last and oldest practitioner of Kalinga and while the tattoo wasn’t as detailed as what I envisaged all these years, it goes hand in hand with the meaning of it ; and life isn’t perfect.

The shift of painting on canvases in 2016 is linked to a house move. When I moved to Singapore, my second homeshare had taped bamboo on the pink walls. I repainted the walls, took the tape away and enjoyed hours of painting in. The next house was also very creative and I truly enjoyed standing on my bed and drawing with watercolor pencils for hours; a sense of freedom and cheekiness after being told over and over not to draw on walls. And then, I moved to a condo. White walls, aiming for perfection, it was essential to make it cozy with colors but no way of taking the liberty of doing direct.. and here we are now, in my very latest house, with a dedicated art space to create and plenty of space to display.

My dream is to find a beautiful spot for a community with friends (existing or new), have my own space with as bright studio surrounded by nature and own veggies (care share), where each brings energy, ideas, support, laughter and space. I’d run painting and 5Rhythms dance sessions, offering moments of escape and well being to human souls. If you’re wondering what 5R is, it is a beautiful meditative dance practice allowing you to feel released and energized. Worth checking out ;)